Ultimate Copland is a collection of ResEdit resource files that emulate the forthcoming System version 8 (code named ‘Copland’). Ultimate Copland recreates both the “Standard” and “Hi-Tech” Copland designs.
“But I just use Aaron and it's got all the icons, right?”
Wrong. Aaron replaces about 20 of the system icons whereas the Standard Ultimate Copland style replaces well over 50 icons. Aaron is also an extension so it is prone to conflicts and your icons wont show up when you hold down shift at startup. Ultimate Copland also replaces pictures like the startup screen.
What's so good about Ultimate Copland?
Quite a lot, actually. For Example…
• Full compatibility with all the latest System versions (Including System 7.5.3)
• Ultimate Copland replaces the “MacOS” startup screen in System 7.5.1-3 to read “Copland”. (Now in 3D!)
• Most of my icons have small counterparts unlike some of the other Copland hacks. (Especially noticeable is a much nicer looking small System Folder and a small wastebasket icon*)
• I have changed all three sizes of the Application icon to the Copland style.
• All my icons have been uniformed in the Copland blue colour (Standard Copland) and shaded grey in the High-Tech Ultimate Copland.
• I have added the Copland folder to the standard “New Folder” button in most “Save” dialog boxes.
• All my icons have decent looking Black & White counterparts.
• Full Aaron compatibility in the High-Tech Ultimate Copland style (See below).
*If you are also using the extension Aaron the small wastebasket icon shows up when you open the wastebasket window.
Wait! I need installation instructions!
1) Decide on either the Standard or High-Tech Copland style.
2) Open your System folder and duplicate your “System” file; open this duplicate with ResEdit.
3) Double Click the “Ultimate System” (or “High-Tech System”) file.
4) In the “Ultimate System” (or “High-Tech System”) window, select all the resources and copy them.
5) Paste these resources into your “System Copy”.
6) Click “Yes” when it asks you if you want to replace the resources with those that have the same ID.
7) Save, and Quit ResEdit.
8) Drag your original System file from the System folder into the trash, but don't empty it yet.
9) Drag the duplicate System file into the System folder and make sure it is called “System” (no spaces or the word “copy”)
10) Restart. If all goes well, you can empty the trash.
Now, do the same for the “Finder” file, the “System 7.5 Update” file (if you have one in your System Folder), the SimpleText application and the “General Controls”, “Apple Menu Options” and “Launcher” Control Panels. (For information on “High-Tech Aaron” see below.)
Note: “Ultimate System 7.5 Update” and “High-Tech System 7.5 Update” can be pasted into “System 7.5 Update” versions 1.0 and 2.0 and also “System 7.5.2 Update”.
And don't forget to REBUILD YOUR DESKTOP! (hold command-option at startup).
If your recent folders' icons don't show up in the apple menu then...
First, drag your “Apple Menu Options Prefs” file from the Preferences folder to the trash. Then turn off the “Recent documents” etc., rebuild your desktop, and finally turn the “Recent documents” etc. back on.
The 'Copland Icons' Folder
In this folder are lots of folder icons in the 2 Copland styles for you to paste on to your other folders. There is also a file for Icon Collector, this is a much easier way of storing icons and also takes up less disk space. Icon Collector is by Emmanuel Rayzal (erayzal@iway.fr).
A little Hint
The System 7.5 MacOS doesn't seem to mind if you rename your System Folder. So make your system even more like Copland and rename the system folder “Mac OS Folder”.
The 3D disk icon
The excellent 3D floppy disk icon is a very slightly changed version of the one found in “Greg’s Icon Collection #1” by Gregory A. Ruderman (ruderman@uiuc.edu).
The SimpleText Read Me Icon
I took and changed this icon from somebody who took the icon from somebody else and couldn't remember who. So I thought it would probably be OK for me to have it. If you are the original owner of this icon then please tell me and I’ll remove it or acknowledge you in this Read Me.
About High-Tech Aaron
The widely used extension “Aaron” does not give you the High-Tech Copland style found in Ultimate Copland. So I have included a hack so that it does. To give Aaron High-Tech icons start by opening the file “High-Tech Aaron” in ResEdit and paste all the resources from “High-Tech Aaron” into a copy of your Aaron extension. Then Restart with your hacked Aaron in place and marvel at the groovy icons.
Note: Many of the extras in Ultimate Copland can’t be put into Aaron (such as the new Start-up screen and lots of the icons).
Use these at your own risk, if you muck up don’t blame me, OK? (not that there's much you could do wrong anyhow).
Copyright Notice
I retain all copyright on these icons and although this collection is Freeware I would greatly appreciate you sending me some money as an incentive for me to continue to update and improve Ultimate Copland. I have worked long and very hard to bring you this. Please note that I am only able to send you a disk of the latest version of Ultimate Copland or any other of my programs if you send me some money (in UK pounds) to pay for postage and the cost of the disk. Although, you can always get the latest version of this and other programs I have written at the Ultimate Copland Home Page (see below).
If you have comments or suggestions please e-mail me at
Or see the Ultimate Copland Home Page at
Alternatively, write or send any spare money to me at
James Turnbull
75 Dundas St
Other Great Pieces of Software (both are always available from the Ultimate Copland Home Page)
My brother's excellent Marathon interfaces are well worth checking out; they replace that boring interface for Marathon.
And for all you MacDoom II addicts out there you can get my “MacDoom II Icon Hack” that improves Doom II’s icons so that they actually look good.